8 Week MBCT Course - September 2024

8 Week MBCT Course

Course Details 


This is an 8 week mindfulness course which combines guided mindfulness meditation practices with cognitive psycho-education.


The aim of this course is to promote self awareness of mind and body and self-compassion through the cultivation of mindful awareness. In so doing you will learn to nurture the balance between the DOING and the BEING modes of mind. You will gain some resources and life skills that will support and sustain your wellbeing in the long term.  


What will you learn?

  • Learn to see the wandering mind and to acknowledge this as part of being human
  • Learn to step out of automatic pilot and to intentionally focus our attention where we want it to be
  • Learn to approach experience from a different angle 
  • Learn to bring kindness and compassion to ourselves and our experience 
  • Learn to respond skilfully when faced with difficult situations
  • Increased awareness of our thoughts and feelings and how they can affect our behaviour
  • Learn to become more attuned to sensations in the body and how these can be helpful signals to what is happening in the mind
  • Increased awareness of stress triggers and how they manifest in the body
  • Increased ability to step out of unhelpful habitual patterns of behaviour

The course is delivered conveniently in the evenings over a 8 week period.


Home practice in between sessions forms a core element of the course. 


The silent day retreat is an opportunity to deepen your practice through familiar practices led by our teachers. It is a day for inward reflection and self-care.    


Numbers are limited so early booking is advisable.




Dr Molefi


Number of participants



Dates TBC


       04/09/24   Session 1 (1830 - 2100)

       11 /09/24   Session 2

      18  /09/24   Session 3

      25/09/24   Session 4

      02/10/24   Session 5

      09/10/24   Session 6

      16/10/24   Session 7

      23  /10/24   Session 8





1900 - 2100








